26TH MARCH 2024


21ST-26TH MARCH 2024

  1. The African Union Advisory Board Against Corruption (AUABC) held its 46th Ordinary Session from 21st to 26th March 2024 in accordance to its Rules of Procedure.
  1. The Ordinary session was held at the Arusha International Conference Centre and the opening ceremony was presided over by the Vice Chairperson Hon. Pascoal Antonio Joaquim who was the Acting Chairperson of the 46th Ordinary session as Hon. Seynabou Ndiaye Diakhate -Chairperson of the Board was not in attendance.
  1. The following Board Members participated in the session:
  1. Honourable Pascoal Antonio JOAQUIM, Vice-Chairperson of the Board;
  2. Honourable Marthe Dorkagoum BOULARANGAR, Rapporteur of the Board;
  3. Honourable Zahraa Ahmed Kamal Khaled, Member of the Board;
  4. Honourable Yvonne M. CHIBIYA, Member of the Board; 
  5. Honourable Tsiry RAZAFIMANDIMBY, Member of the Board; 
  6. Honourable Kwami Edem SENANU, Member of the Board.
  7. Honourable, Erica Tshenolo NDLOVU, Member of the Board;
  8. Honourable Abeba Embiale MENGSTE, Member of the Board;
  9. Honourable Cheikh Baba AHMED, Member of the Board; 
  10. Honourable Principe NTIBASUME, Member of the Board;
  1. In his speech to open the 46th Ordinary Session, the Vice Chairperson Hon. Pascoal Antonio Joaquim welcomed all Board Members and wished them fruitful deliberations and informed the Members of the agenda for the 46th Session.  Board Members made opening statements as this was the first Session of the year.
  1. The 46th Ordinary Session focused on the following areas.
  • Evaluation of the implementation of AUABC recommendations and resolutions;
  • Strengthening partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders at regional and international levels; and
  • Consideration of the AUABC’s work plan and priorities for the year 2025-2027. 
  1. During the session the Board considered the second reading of the Egypt State Party Review Report which assessed Egypt’s compliance to the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC).
  1.  The Board commended Egypt for the strides made in domesticating the AUCPCC. 
  1. The Board took note that many Member States are non-compliant in respect of Article 22 (7) of the AUCPCC which states and obligates AU Member States to “communicate within one year after the coming into force of the instrument, on the progress made in the implementation of this Convention. Thereafter, each State Party, through their relevant procedures, shall ensure that the national anti-corruption authorities or agencies report to the Board at least once a year before the ordinary sessions of the policy organs of the AU.” The Board therefore reminds and encourages State Parties  through their National Anti-Corruption Authorities (NACAs) to fulfill their responsibility in this regard and work at becoming compliant before the end of 2024. The Board will be writing to State Parties and NACAs in this regard and subsequently consider publishing an annual compliance list.
  1. The 46th Ordinary Session also considered the amendment of the Convention, the reporting template of Country Rapporteurs, as well as the 2024 workplan and calendar of programmes for 2024. 
  1. The Board considered the following reports:
    1. Activity Report of the Bureau;
    2. Activity Report of Secretary; 
    3. Partnerships; 
    4. Report on Administrative and Financial Report;
    5. Report of the Sub-Committee of the Board on Structure;
    6.     Report on Recruitment processes in the Secretariat; and
    7. Preparations for the 8th Annual African Anti-Corruption Dialogue and African Anti-Corruption Day.
  1. During the session, four working groups namely, Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group, the Finance and Audit Committee, the Review Mechanism as well as the Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Working Group met.
  1. The Board Members also underwent Competency Based Interview Training on 25th March 2024. The training was conducted by an officer from the AUC HRMD.
  1. The closing ceremony was held on 26th March 2024. 

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