Welcome to the Press room, which will be populated by links to interviews (either youtube) or podcast of Hon Senanu in both national and continental capacities as an anti-coruption crusader.
#AfricaAgainstCorruption (April 2024) In this interview by TV3 Ghana, Hon Edem Senanu explains how the situation with former Ghana Revenue Authority demonstrates “serious administrative lapse relating to the Presidency”, which he considers “problematic”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d0jYjWEjZsOswa0PjeZ2Che-gM37Z3NW/view?usp=drivesdk
#AfricaAgainstCorruption: (April 2024) In this radio interview by Media General’s 3FM, Hon Edem Senanu is worried that our auditing and m&E systems are inadequate. He is happy that Ghana’s Office for Special Prosecutor (OSP) is stepping in to investigate abuse of power around the Scholarship Secretariat. He calls it a “a good governance call”, which is “legitimate”. He believes there are “major answers yo be answered”. He also calls for the establishment of a fast-track anti-corruption court: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dIKn2kMSmQOFMx1aoPbYyxOFy6A-CRTF/view?usp=drivesdk
AfricaAgainstCorruption In this interview by Class Media Group’s Korku Lumor, Hon Edem Senanu of African Union Advicory Board Against Corruption explains that the work done by Ghana’s Office of Special Prosecutor(OSP) was exhaustive and comprehensive; just that the “legal framework needs to be looked at urgently”. #corruption #Agenda2063 #aspiration3
#AfricaAgainstCorruption In this interview by Metro TV of Hon Edem Senanu of AU Advisory Board Against Corruption, Hon Senanu unpacks the reasons why we must not rush to the conclusion that Ghana’s Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP) has cleared Charles Adu-Boahene of #corruption.
The video clip above is an interview of Hon Edem Senanu by JOY News’ Aisha Ibrahim about how far the AU has come in combatting corruption. Interview was conducted on AU Day (25 May, 2023).